Improv Classes Chaos Bloom

Improv Classes

Registration is open to everyone for any level so don’t worry if you haven’t studied with us before. Contact our Training Center Director Amey Goerlich with any questions about what level to start in if you have prior improv or comedy/theater experience

Improv Salon for Over 50 Year Youngs.

Improv Salon for Over 50 Year Youngs.


July 14th & 21st 1-3pm $40

Requirements: Must Be Over 50 years old

“Improv is for the young.” That’s a quote that no one ever said, because it’s not true. But for 50+ improvisers, sometimes stepping into your first class can feel that way when you’re suddenly surrounded by a herd of hyperactive 20-somethings. If you’re an older person who has always wanted to try improv, then this beginner workshop is your chance to play with kids your own age! Over two weeks, we’ll cover the basics of improv and free ourselves physically and creatively in an age-supportive environment.


Nathan Peterman has been teaching improv since way back in the summer of ’23. An opera singer by training and a comedian by nature, he has been improvising for over twenty years at theaters and festivals across the nation. He’s thrilled at the opportunity to bring his skills and experience into teaching new improvisers at Chaos Bloom. Nathan is also over 50 years old so he gets it.

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